Hillen, A., Olanoff, D., & Welder, R. M. (2015, April). Moving Beyond Common Denominators: Comparing Fractions Using Reasoning and Sense-Making. Workshop presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts.
Tag Archives: NCTM
Content related to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Research-based modifications of elementary school tasks for use in teacher preparation
Tobias, J. M., Olanoff, D., Hillen, A., Welder, R. M., Feldman, Z., & Thanheiser, E. (2014). Research-based modifications of elementary school tasks for use in teacher preparation. In K. King (Ed.), Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education: Using Research to Improve Instruction (pp. 181-192). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.